School Council

At the beginning of the school year, we establish our school council for the year. 

We think about what skills and knowledge you need to be a good member of the school council and then decide if we want to nominate ourselves. We then tell our class why we think we would be a good member of the school council before we vote in our classes. The votes are counted, and we have a representative chosen for each year group from years one to five. Our year six members take up other roles. These include the chair, the vice chair(s), secretary, and community link members. 

School council members meet to discuss ways to improve our school as well as the wider community and then feed back to our classes and take their suggestions to the next meeting. 

We decide on which charities to support and how to support them, including writing letters to inform parents of our decisions. We also make decisions about how to improve our school and the wider community. This had included changes to playtimes as well as how to be greener. We have also led collective worship. 


Low Crosby,




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Headteacher: Miss Keitch

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