
Class 1 Children's comments…

“I liked dancing like a dinosaur, I stomped around”.

“I loved building a river in the sand”.

“We’ve been learning about polar bears, they can smell a seal from 20 miles away”.

“I liked pretending to be toys in our dance lesson”.

“I’ve had fun being at school”.

“Playing with my friends, we made a big tunnel slide for the cars”.

“We made a band and played some songs – we were very loud!”.

Class 1 had an exciting trip out to Pizza Express this week. They all watched as Tom, the pizza chef, made the dough, then all made their own pizza. The children (and adults) all had a great morning, and the pizzas were delicious.

We have also been learning about different types of technology, in school and at home. During maths we have looked at artists who use shapes in their work and had a go at making our own.

Our story for the week has been 'We're going on a Bear Hunt', we have enjoyed acting it our together and making our story maps. 

From the children…

Class 1

I loved Mummy and Daddy coming to watch me dance.

I’ve had fun with friends in the home corner.

Singing in the play.

Mummy and Daddy watching me as a donkey.

I liked Mummy and Daddy watching me on the stage.

Mummy, daddy, Mike and Grandma coming to watch our play.

My Mam came to the play to see me be a Star!

I loved my Mummy and Daddy watching the show so much.

Class 1 This week we have been very busy rehearsing for our ‘Wriggly Nativity’. We have made our teachers very proud with our singing and dancing – there is a lot to remember but we are persevering.

We were very excited to discover our water area had completely frozen over – we experimented with ways to break the ice and enjoyed painting it different colours.

We have been learning all about the First Christmas and the birth of Jesus and created our own nativity scene. We also worked together to retell the story.

In our Maths lessons we have been exploring shapes, with a focus on circles. We made our own circles and turned them into something special for our Christmas tree.

Class 1 enjoyed their last trip to the forest of 2022. We had a great time. “I loved the popcorn popping”, “it was so cold, but the hot chocolate made us warm again”.

Our book of the week was ‘One Snowy Night’. We have learned about different animals that hibernate, talked about how Percy shows our Christian Values, and worked together to draw out all the characters. “I like the fox best”, “I think it’s really funny when they all fall out of the bed”, “I love the mole”.

In maths, we have been playing lots of games to help us with our number recognition – Puddles, our class cat, has been helping us with this! “We help Puddles know how many claps it is, he needs us to show him”.

We are working hard to learn our songs and dances for our ‘Wriggly Nativity” and are getting very excited about it.

Class 1 have been very busy this week.

We enjoyed our last session with Emily from CDA and have learned lots of different moves.

We have begun learning our songs for our Christmas performance - a fantastic start, we’re very excited!

Our book of the week was ‘Little Red’, which has a slightly different ending to the traditional tale! We compared this with a different version of Little Red Riding Hood. We shared our opinions about why we liked each story, then voted for our favourite.

In maths, we have been learning all about how numbers are made. We did some printing to show the different ways we can make 4.

In PSED, we have been creating our own houses. We than drew out families to add to them, looking at the differences and talking about why being different is good.

Class 1 It has been another busy week in Class One. We have been talking about Pudsey and Children in Need this week, as well as focusing on kindness and how important it is to be welcoming to our friends. We have been reading the book ‘On Sudden Hill’ and talking about how the different characters feel and why. We also worked with our friends to create some huge monster boxes (friendly of course!), just like in the story.

We are working super hard on our phonics and are enjoying using this to make cards and write our own stories.

We are really enjoying our dance sessions with Emily from Carlisle Dance Academy.

Class 1 We have had such a lovely week together after our half term holiday. We have enjoyed sharing stories about our time off.

We have been focusing on ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ in our story times. We have read the story together, acted it out with friends and made story maps including our favourite parts.

“I like when the goat is chewing the table”.

“I think it’s funny when the cow is on the table dancing”.

In our mud kitchen, we have been very busy making birthday cakes, pancakes and hot chocolate. We even started a café and it was very popular.

“I love baking cupcakes for my friends – they’re very yummy”.

Class 1 from the children

“I liked our autumn walk through the village. We played on the park”.

“The puppets came to tell us a story, they did lots of dancing”.

“We went to Church for our first Harvest Festival, I loved singing with everyone”.

Class 1 This week, Class One braved the elements with their first Forest School trip. Here are some of their favourite memories:

“We did singing and looked for bugs”.

“I liked the campfire and I loved the bus!”.

“I loved everything!”.

“I liked it when we played run away then ran back”

“I liked sitting next to the window on the bus. We could see lots of things on the way there”.


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