
Class 1 Our stories of the week have been 'The Leaf Thief' and 'Wow! said the Owl". The children have loved retelling the stories, and made some fantastic posters with brilliant writing and pictures. In maths we have been looking at composition - the whole and the parts that make up the whole. We enjoyed planning, making then eating fruit kebabs, identifying the whole and the different parts. We have also been making our own 2D shapes and exploring printing to make circle pictures. In our SCARF sessions we have been talking about what makes us the same, what makes us different, and why it's a good thing that we are all different. This has linked nicely to our work in science where we have been sharing baby photos and talking about how we are different now to when we were babies.

Class I loved doing the big jumps with Kim. We made story maps of the ‘Little Red Hen’. I liked doing the potato printing. I liked doing drawing with Tabs. I loved Forest School this week. I like singing our harvest songs. I liked building with my friends and making roads and carparks. I liked reading books with my friends.

Class 2 We liked walking to the woods, the seesaw at the woods, playing in the trees, the hot chocolate, the seesaw, the climbing tree, chatting by the fire, the seesaw is so much fun,  talking around the fire, climbing up the climbing tree, making our dinner at the woods, the s’mores were yummy, the hot chocolate, climbing the climbing tree, bouncing on the seesaw,  the woods is so much fun! Also, Golden time, RE week with Rachel and Esther, our 'Deborah' drama, Gymnastics with Kym, P.E. and Mrs Potts’ lunches.

Class 1“Forest School was really good, we did lots of climbing”.

“I loved making a giant house with my friends. It was good for when it rained”.

“We made a big rainbow dog together”.

“I liked reading my new book, I love the cats in Mrs McTats houseful of cats”.

“I love our stick insects, they’re getting bigger”.

“I liked looking for our 1, 2, 3 and 4 in maths”.

“I liked drawing with my friends, I drew me and my family”.

Class This week we have been working hard with our phonics – we are doing really well and remembering lots of new phonemes and graphemes. At Forest School on Wednesday, we enjoyed making houses for some special visitors. We also made s’mores and gathered leaves, acorns and conkers. We had a walk around the village, noticing familiar places and spotting our friend’s houses. In SCARF we have been talking about feelings – what things make us happy, what can make us feel frustrated or sad, and what can do to make ourselves feel happy again. In our gymnastics session we focused on different kinds of jumping – Kym was very impressed! Well done, Class One, another fantastic week.

Class 1 have had a fantastic week. We all enjoyed our visit from Andy Tooze on Monday, listening to poetry and learning some actions to perform to the rest of school. In Reception, we have been making story maps and performing ‘The Gruffalo’, continuing with our phonics, and carrying out surveys of what fruit people like. In nursery we have been reading the 'You Choose' books, sharing our ideas and listening to our friends. In art, we are experimenting with printing, and have made some great pictures. Well done everyone, a busy week.

from the children

Class 1  “I loved Forest School, we toasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate”.

“I liked doing my Gruffalo picture”.

“I liked going to Forest School”.

“I liked gymnastics and they helped me do a roly poly!”.

“I liked painting, I painted a picture of people singing in the hall”.

“I enjoyed gymnastics and playing outside”.

Class 1 have enjoyed taking part in their online SCARF session, talking all about ‘Happy, Healthy Me”.  We have been continuing our work on life cycles, discussing how some babies look like their parents and others don’t. We have talked about what happens at different stages of our lives. We celebrated the end of a fantastic year of Forest School by decorating cakes and melting them in the oven – they were delicious! We loved watching Class Four in their dress rehearsal – Well done everyone!

Class 1

“I liked going in the woods and playing in the mud kitchen”.

“Going to Glasgow and going in the big, blue spinny house!”.

“Going to Glasgow, I loved the film”.

“I liked the film at Glasgow – I liked when the orangutan snapped the tree!”.

Class 1 have had a very busy week. Nursery took part in their Sports Day – we were all very impressed of how well they did, and proud of all the children who supported and cheered them on. We have been making all sorts of maps, following on from our focus book “Martha Maps it Out”. We have also made some story maps and written some fantastic sentences about them. We continue to look after our tomato plants and beans and are pleased with how well they are doing. Reception are very excited for our Sports Day this afternoon – it could get quite competitive!


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