Class 1 We have had a very busy week in Class 1 and are very impressed with how our children are settling into our new routines. Our phonics sessions have begun, with Nursery focusing on nursery rhymes while Reception are learning new phonemes and graphemes each day - they are doing amazingly! In SCARF we are talking 'All About Us' - what we like, what makes us happy, and why it's good to be different. In maths we have been busy sorting as well as helping our visitor Mr Parrot to count out his toys carefully. In literacy Reception have begun their work based on 'The Something', with lots of brilliant ideas, while Nursery have been focussing on 'The Tiger who came for Tea'. We had a fantastic time at our first Forest School of the year - what a sunny afternoon! We are looking forward to many more adventures over the next few weeks, although probably less sunny ones.
Class 2 have embraced a full week of routine this week, following their normal timetable. We have began this half-terms English text 'The River' and are enjoying the different settings the rowing boats passes as it sails along the river. In maths we have been working on numbers to 20 in words and numerals as well as 1 more. In P.E. We had lots of fun playing dodging games and working on our teamwork sessions to complete the group movement challenges. We practised cross-hatching on a range of papers, with a range of drawing tools such as charcoal, pencils and pens. In History, we compared London in 1666 to now and located London in our atlases. The children have enjoyed the sunny playtimes and daily mile too this week. How are we listening? Was our P.S.H.E learning focus and we modelled some positive listening behaviours as well as some rude, negative behaviours. In Science in pairs we enjoyed playing a yes/no answer animal guessing game involving asking questions about the animal group it belonged to such as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish or amphibians. A super start to our typical class two week!
Class 3 have gotten into the swing of things this week. After a busy Science Week, we are establishing our routines. We have been exploring numbers up to 1000 through representations and partitioning. We drew representations on the yard in chalk. We have started looking at our English text 'Into the Forest' and have taken part in drama - a conscience alley and freeze frames. We will write a personification poem once we have collected ideas. In Science, we have started learning about rocks and the types of rocks there are. We enjoyed our recorder lessons with Mr Wood. We have had an excellent week and need to maintain our focus and enthusiasm for learning.
Class 4 have settled into their new routines and responsibilities brilliantly. This week, both year groups have been busy learning Place Value in maths and making predictions about our new text in English. They have really enjoyed improving their skills in gymnastics; working collaboratively with partners. In Science, we have been investigating 'friction' we had lots of fun using chopsticks to move jelly cubes covered in oil. We have been learning about the causes of WW1 in History and the countries who were allies and enemies.
At the woods, we had some fantastic cooks helping with lunch, I hope they are this helpful at home! The children enjoyed exploring and playing team games. We also had great weather for our walk.
Have a lovely weekend Class 4!