
Teaching and learning celebrations w/c 30/10/2023 from the children….

Class 1 "We danced with Emily from CDA."

"We went on a shape hunt and had to try and find circles and triangles."

"We started learning our Christmas songs."

"Our story was the Leaf thief and it was really funny because the squirrel thought someone was stealing his leaves."

Class 2 Enjoyed - Making paper pillars and testing their strength with books in DT, dance club, gymnastics trials with Rachel and Pyjama Drama, maths lessons, going to the Castle and Tullie House, playtimes and  buying poppies.

Class 3  We have enjoyed PE and dancing this week. We enjoyed going to the woods and can't wait to go next week.  The food was delicious because it was creamy chicken pasta with garlic bread and HUUUGE s'mores!  We enjoyed shelter building and exploring the woods.  We have also been learning about forces in science. 

Class 4 This week in Class 4, the children have enjoyed reading the script for our Christmas production, it's never too early! They have designed their own Christmas cards which were fantastic. In PE, everyone enjoyed taking part in circuit training. We have also welcomed Emily from Carlisle Dance Academy, who has been busy teaching the children a new dance routine, everyone tried so hard and had fun. The highlight this week has to be our visit from Zoolab, the children were introduced to a hands-on experience with variety of amazing creatures.  We have also had lots of fantastic quizzing this week, with lots of reading happening. Great job Class 4! 


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