Class 1 have had a fantastic week. We all enjoyed our visit from Andy Tooze on Monday, listening to poetry and learning some actions to perform to the rest of school. In Reception, we have been making story maps and performing ‘The Gruffalo’, continuing with our phonics, and carrying out surveys of what fruit people like. In nursery we have been reading the 'You Choose' books, sharing our ideas and listening to our friends. In art, we are experimenting with printing, and have made some great pictures. Well done everyone, a busy week.
Class 2 have built up their stamina in their second full week of routine, especially the year ones who are increasing in confidence with their daily and weekly routines! Pupils have made a fabulous start at their first week of homework and spellings. They've created some excellent maps to match the bear hunt in Geography, with a map creation now being a focused task in the Lego area of the continuous provision. In P.E. they've practised their forward rolls in gymnastics and exhausted themselves in their speed circuit training rotation in the hall. In Art they responded to different music tracks through various mark making materials, whilst in Science they learned about wild plants. During PSHE the children worked together to act out various positive and negative feeling scenarios (bored, excited, angry etc). We continue to work on place value in maths and number knowledge in mastering number. In English we've continued our work with 'Andy Tooze' by creating 'Do you like?' poems focused on animals then food. We've become more able to spot and think of rhyming words and alliteration. Individuals are becoming increasingly responsible in their class job roles too. Another week of hard work and great personal progress class two, choosing individuals for certificates and star of the day isn't an easy choice, well done everyone!
Class 3 have had another busy week. We have been working on our place value in Maths and partitioning numbers in different ways. We have enjoyed learning how to greet people in French. We had a fantastic day on Monday, with the poet Andy Tooze. He helped us to write some brilliant poems about our hobbies and things we like. These will be displayed in the hall. It has really inspired us to write our own poetry! We have also been enjoying Science and finding out about nutrition and what different animals need to eat to survive. We have continued to show friendship, respect and perseverance throughout the day.
Class 4 have had a very productive week. They immersed themselves into the wonderful world of poetry with our guest poet Andy Tooze. He was very impressed with their ideas and creative minds. In French, we have been learning about habitats, practising speaking, listening and writing. In Geography, we have been researching Biomes around the world. Everyone is enjoying music and having the opportunity to play musical instruments. Class 4 have produced some fantastic descriptive writing all about the Amazon rainforest. Have a great weekend!