Class 1 This week, Class One braved the elements with their first Forest School trip. Here are some of their favourite memories:
“We did singing and looked for bugs”.
“I liked the campfire and I loved the bus!”.
“I loved everything!”.
“I liked it when we played run away then ran back”
“I liked sitting next to the window on the bus. We could see lots of things on the way there”.
Class 2 R.E. has been a big part of the week for Class 2, with a Godly Play session, an extra session from Rachel (NISCU) and the class presenting the parable of 'The Mustard Seed' at Lanercost Priory today, they also sang the song in worship for the whole school to hear. This week they have all applied their Maths and English knowledge as part of our assessment week. They have enjoyed the digital art unit in computing and the year ones are becoming more effective at logging in and out using their personal username and password each week. The pupils are relishing choosing the star of the day along with their choice reasons linked to our school values and classroom code.
Class 3 This week in Class 3, the children have been creating a plan and story maps for their Egyptian fairytales based on the story of The Egyptian Cinderella. They have worked really hard and we cannot wait to read their finished stories next week. In Maths, Y3 have been adding and subtracting and Y4 have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000. They have all been very persistent throughout the week. Class 3 have also been creating their Artwork for their Christmas cards this week and have produced some great work.
Class 4 have really enjoyed taking part in Bikeability training this week. They have all developed their skills for cycling by identifying and responding to hazards, starting and stopping correctly, complying with signals, signs and road marks and negotiating junctions. The children have listened well and remained focused to help them successfully pass the course. Well done everyone!
In Science, we have been investigating 'Air Resistance' the children have enjoyed creating their own parachutes and carrying out experiments to find out which parachute had the best resistance against the force of gravity. We talked about controlling variables to make it a fait test and compared results.
In Art and Design everyone has enjoyed designing a Christmas card which parents have the option to buy. Forest schools continues to be a big hit with the children, they continue to learn many skills and have been developing their orienteering skills this half term.
Classes 3 & 4 have had a good time getting out on their bikes and learning how to be safe on the roads. The children have achieved either Level 2 or 3 in Class 4 and Level 1 in Class 3.