
Teaching and learning celebrations w/c 13/02/2023 from the children

Class 1

“I liked playing with the Lego and building towers”.

“Playing with my friends in the writing area”.

“I loved playing with the cars. We drove them up to the new house and down the tunnels”.

“I liked being a train in our dance lesson”.

“I loved playing stuck in the mud when Beth was in for PE”.

“I liked playing with the dinosaurs in our new house”.

“Doing our maths investigations afternoon”.

“Doing the playdough worms”.

Class 2 

Creating the world during digital art.

Learning to times by two and divide by two in year two maths.

Going to the gymnastics competition.

Golden time and reading reward playtime.

Learning songs in music.

Thinking about the cheerful giver who was poor but gave more than the rich people.

Lunchtime, talking to my friends when we eat our dinner.

Playing football outside and making up games at playtime.


Class 3  This week in Class 3 we have enjoyed making a double page spread about what we learnt in Science. 

We have enjoyed all music – people have done recorder, some people piano, guitar and flute. 

We enjoyed carrying on a story about a white rabbit in English. 

We enjoyed learning what guitar, flute, recorder, drums and clarinet are in French.

In guided reading we liked reading Charlotte’s Web.

Class 4

We have enjoyed creating bookmarks, to share our reading book recommendations with our friends.

We have enjoyed writing stories about the Troll who came to town, we used a story starter to help with our ideas.

We have enjoyed our first SATs booster session, we worked on our Maths and SPaG, which helped us lots. 

I have enjoyed singing with Mr King, we are getting better at learning our songs.

We have enjoyed Lacrosse with Mr Barnes; it is quite challenging because you have to talk each other about tactics, and it requires a lot of technique.

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