
Class 1 What a fantastic few days we have had in Class 1! We have spent lots of time exploring inside and out - thankfully the weather has meant lots of practice on the new trim trail and climbing equipment, our huge new chalk board has been in action and the sand pit has been busy as always. It has been lovely to see how kind and caring our children are: welcoming new friends; taking turns; playing together and working as a team. We have shared stories, enjoyed snack, sung songs, celebrated friends' successes (swimming, horse riding, first time on a plane), worked on our self-portraits and made sand smoothies. Well done, everyone!

Class 2 The Year 1’s have settled quickly into their new classroom and the Year 2’s have positively supported them in doing so. The highlights this week have been playing on the trim trail and the daily mile. We have enjoyed our circle times about holiday news and feelings. We've shared out class jobs and roles and have enjoyed bonding as a class in the provision, at playtime and during some lessons. A super start to the new year, well done Class 2!

Class 3 have got off to a busy start this week. We have settled in and have done lots of exciting activities. We have thought about our class rules and created posters for these. We have also carried out our first Science investigation to find out which surface made the ball roll the quickest. We have also written some poetry about the things we did and didn't do in the holidays. There were some very creative responses. Amazing work everyone and well done on such a great start to the year! Class 4 It has been fantastic to welcome

Class 4 children back to school this week. They have all returned with big smiles on their faces and great enthusiasm for learning. Everyone is feeling settled and relaxed in their new routines, classes and friendships. The children have already shown what amazing buddies they are when helping both nursery and reception children at lunchtimes and in the playground. I have witnessed such caring, positive, patient and kind attitudes towards the younger ones. We have been busy thinking about our class rules, so everyone is safe and happy at school. In PSHE, we have been learning about 'Collaboration' and what makes us successful collaborators. In computing, we have been recapping how to stay safe online and refreshing our memories about rules to follow which help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe. A great start Class 4, have a lovely weekend!

Class 1 have enjoyed watching the work on our exciting new outdoor area, looking at the different machines and guessing what's going to happen next. We have enjoyed spending lots of time playing with our friends before our summer break. We have also been practising our number formation, tricky words, and making posters to tell our new starters all about Class One. Have a fabulous, well deserved break and we'll see you in September! 

Class 1 I enjoyed playing outside on the swinging bars with my friends.

Playing in the home corner.

I liked meeting the new nursery and telling them where the toys go away.

I liked watching the play.  The water guns were spraying me. I loved it!

I liked doing my phonics and writing.

I am looking forward to the colour run and getting paint thrown at me.

Class 1 we have enjoyed our moving up day - Reception were excited to tell us all about their adventure to Class 2, and Nursery welcomed some new friends who will join us in September. In Maths, Reception have been busy making their own maps showing how they get to school. Nursery have been reading 'Titch' and shared ideas about what happens as we get older. We have all been working hard to draw our self-portraits - an activity we do each half term - and tried to include as much detail as possible. Fantastic effort everyone! 

Class 1 have lots of favourite things to share this week! 

I liked eating popcorn at the woods. The obstacle course we made outside was really good. I liked the playdough best because it was super sticky. Our dinner - I always eat it all up! I liked making popcorn and hot chocolate at Forest School. Mrs Pott's chocolate brownie. Playing with all my friends. The parkour obstacle course was amazing, it was really tricky not stepping on the grass. Sports day was a highlight - I loved sports day, my mum and Grandma were there and I got a 1st place sticker, I liked sports day because I was so excited because once I watched my brother do it and now I've done it and my family came to watch, I liked sports day because my mummy did one of the races!

Class 1 have had an amazing week! We enjoyed a trip to Dalscone Farm Park, where we saw lots of different animals, time exploring and a fantastic day out. The children were all brilliant ambassadors for Crosby School, we are very proud of them.  Reception have been busy writing the second part of their whale poem - we know their families will be very impressed. We have been practising for sports day, with everyone showing their friends support and encouragement to do their best. In SCARF we looked at how baby animals are different from their parents and shared the story 'Monkey Puzzle'. Another busy week!

Class 1 I loved Movie Night; I liked bringing my teddy in. I had fun playing outside because I like doing tricks on the big bars. I liked playing outside with my friends, we built a really big obstacle course. We all loved making pancakes at Forest School. I liked starting my whale poem on the big whale picture. I liked playing gymnastics on the bars. I liked playing bingo! We liked planting our cress. 

Class 1 have had an absolutely fantastic week back! We have had so many exciting visitors and visits. We had a brilliant time at Eden Rock with Jess and Ryan - they were very impressed with how we persevered and encouraged our friends when they found it tricky. We have been busy learning how to saw at Forest School and have been making our own wooden slice decorations. In Reception we have started to read our new book for the half term, 'The Storm Whale' and have been finding out all about whales. In Nursery we have been reading the book 'Lifesize Baby Animals' and seeing how big or small different babies are compared to us. Well done, everyone!

Class 1 I had fun painting the butterfly with my friends. I loved trampolining! I liked doing my dinosaur writing. I did really well with my rocket picture. I liked building the big farm with my friends. We were excited to spot a squirrel outside the door! I liked helping to water our sunflowers, they are really tall now. I liked playing with my friends.

Class 1 This week Class One have been working really hard in their phonics sessions. Reception have produced some fantastic writing based on our book, 'The Extraordinary Gardener'. We have enjoyed some moments of mindfulness today to celebrate Mental Health Week, with music, colouring and cloud watching. We have also spent time talking about different feelings and why it is important to talk about how we are feeling. Outside we have made some very challenging obstacle courses, supporting each other to keep trying. In Nursery we have been building our houses and making maps to show where they are. We have focused on shape in our maths sessions, and enjoyed making pictures using 2D shapes.


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