SIAMS November 2022

To view official report click here

“Crosby-on-Eden is a warm, caring and inclusive school. It is committed to serving the common good, enabling all pupils and adults in the ‘Crosby family’ to feel fulfilment in their lives and to flourish.”

 “Crosby-on-Eden is a place where all members of the school community are trusted, nurtured and supported to have ‘life in all its fullness’.”

 “The school is friendly and welcoming. All pupils and adults are treated with respect, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and love.”

 “Leaders are passionate about preparing pupils for their future and educating ‘for life in all its fullness’. In line with the vision, leaders have developed a curriculum which motivates and engages pupils.”

“Staff make very effective use of the forest school area to enhance learning, develop spirituality and to develop social skills and life skills.” 

“Individual talents and interests are noticed and encouraged, and pupils feel that they are supported to be the best they can be.”

 “Pupils are able to talk about courageous advocacy, and the importance of ‘speaking up for people who can’t do it themselves’.”

 “The school council gathers opinions and ideas from their classmates on ways they can improve the school as well as the wider community.”

 “Staff are committed to educating pupils as future global citizens. They equip pupils with the understanding, attitudes and behaviour that will allow them to be agents of change.”

“Pupils and adults alike, flourish at Crosby-on-Eden. Everyone in the school is treasured as a child of God. Parents and carers value the importance the school places, not just on academic achievements but also on the whole child. They say that their children are 'celebrated as individuals’ and are encouraged ‘to be who they are’.”

 “Relationships are a strength of the school. Adults provide excellent role models to the pupils. Pupils’ behaviour is excellent, and they show respect and kindness to one another. This reflects the schools’ vision and core values. The school has prioritised the promotion of positive mental health for all. They make sure no one goes unnoticed and support is given if needed.”

Key Findings

The distinctively Christian vision is the golden thread that shapes the work of the school on a day-to-day basis. The headteacher is passionate about ensuring pupils and all members of the school community ‘live life in all its fullness’. She leads with humility and compassion as a servant leader.

There are rich and varied opportunities to develop pupils’ spirituality in collective worship and across the wider provision in school.

Pupils have a well-developed knowledge of courageous advocacy and are able to give examples of how this is lived out in others. They can talk with passion and insight about injustice, and how they themselves live out the school’s vision and make difference in their own world.

The religious education (RE) lead has worked tirelessly to develop pupils’ religious literacy, self-reflection and consideration of big questions linked to Christianity and other world faith and worldviews. Pupils are able to talk about Christianity and other faiths and are beginning to identify similarities to their own views and culture

Governors are passionate about the school. They have a good understanding of the day to day living out of the school's distinctively Christian vision. 

Areas for development

Governors to further develop their strategic awareness of the effectiveness of the Christian vision on the work of the school.

Widen opportunities across all areas of school life, to deepen pupils’ understating of diversity within their community and beyond.


Low Crosby,




Our Core Values





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Headteacher: Miss Keitch

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