8.40am gates open
8.45am preschool session begins
8.55am Reception-Y6 day begins with register
Morning sessions commence
These are timetabled per class to include mainly maths, phonics and English
10.40am playtime for classes 2, 3 and 4, class 1 continue accessing their indoor and outdoor areas
10.55am morning sessions continue
11.45am preschool session ends
12.00pm lunchtime, including lunchtime club (lunchtime club finishes at 1.00pm)
12.55pm afternoon sessions begin with register
Afternoon session commence
These are timetabled per class to include mainly Science, PE, RE, History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Design and Technology, PSHE, Computing, French (in KS2) and P4C
3.00pm collective worship
3.20pm end of school day