Miss Keitch
Headteacher, SENDCO & DSL
Hi, I'm Miss Keitch. I am a highly experienced teacher, Senior Leader, Inclusion Manager and mentor, with over 16 years of experience working directly with children, families, schools, their leaders, governing bodies and the wider community. My priority is to put children at the heart of everything we do to ensure everyone can make a positive contribution to our school. My vision is to encourage everyone to develop a love of learning and a curiosity and fascination with the world we live in. I have high aspirations for all children and an expectation that they will excel and achieve their potential. I am passionate about giving children the best possible education and access to opportunities, all with the aim of promoting and reinforcing independence, self-esteem and aspiration.
Outside of school I love exploring the fells, running, walking my dog and baking.
Mrs Turney
Class 1 - Nursery/Reception
(Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
and Class 1 Forest Schools Leader
Hello, my name is Mrs Turney and I teach in Class 1. I find working in the Early Years incredibly fun and rewarding. I make it my mission to encourage children to be more physically active and to spend plenty of time outdoors. To relax, I enjoy yoga and reading. I also love gardening and walking with my family.
Mrs Blake
Class 1 - Nursery/Reception
(Thursdays and Fridays)
Hi, I’m Mrs Blake and I teach in Class One on a Thursday and Friday. I feel very lucky to work in Early Years, it is such a fantastic stage in the lives of our children. I am passionate the importance of wellbeing for all, and hope to instil a love of books and creativity from a young age. On a weekend I like to go for long walks with my family – I love being out in the hills. To relax, I also like baking and reading.
Mrs Robinson
Class 2 - Year 1 & 2
and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
My name is Mrs Robinson, and I work in Class 2. I am passionate about children developing effective learning behaviours as well as developing a true love of learning . In my spare time, I like to jog, walk our dog and watch my boys play football
Mrs Pattinson
Class 3 - Years 3 & 4
Hello, I’m Mrs Pattinson. I have worked at Crosby for 18 years and have seen lots of changes. I share teaching Class 3 with Mrs Ord, you can find me there on a Thursday and Friday. I really enjoy teaching Science and creating exciting and hands-on experiences for the children. On a Monday I lead our exciting Woodland sessions where we venture out into nature and enjoy craft, science, geography, woodland skills and a bit of cooking. Outside of school, I enjoy nature, I also enjoy going to gigs and listening to music to unwind.
Mrs Ord
Class 3 - Years 3 & 4
My name is Mrs Ord and I teach in Class 3 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I really enjoy all of the amazing topics that we explore in year 3+4, especially when we discover something new. When I’m not at school I spend my time with my daughter, preferably outdoors and whatever the weather; you can’t beat splashing in muddy puddles!
Miss Fox
Class 4 - Year 5/6
and School Governor
Hello, my name is Miss Fox and I teach in class 4. I have a passion for teaching a creative curriculum, which allows children to develop lifelong skills. I enjoy spending my spare time with my two girls, we love nothing more than visiting family and friends, walking and more recently we have taken up badminton.
Mrs James
Teaching Assistant
and Senior Midday Supervisor
Hi, I’m Mrs James and I am a Teaching Assistant in Class 1. When I am not in school I enjoy time with my partner, 2 young children and our crazy black Labrador.
Mrs Hodgson
Teaching Assistant
and Midday Supervisor
Hi, I'm Mrs Hodgson and I work as a Teaching Assistant in Class 2. Outside of school I love spending quality time with my husband and two children. When I get a free moment I love to read, paint and Scuba Dive!
Miss Foster
Teaching Assistant
and Midday Supervisor
Hi I’m Miss Foster and I work as a Teaching Assistant in Class 3. I’m also a Midday Supervisor so you’ll find me on the playground too. I’m excited to be part of this school. I have a little girl at home who keeps me busy but when I do have some free time I like to read or do some cooking.
Mrs Dinwoodie
Working at Crosby for many years, most of you will probably know me quite well already, for those that don't, I work mostly in Class 4 but spend some time in Class 3 and 2 during the week. As my girls, (who are now in their twenties) were Crosby pupils, I have been in the unique position of seeing how decisions made as staff and governors directly impact the children. To see how parents’ and pupils’ views are listened to, and how it shapes changes in school.
Mrs Wood
School Business Manager
and Clerk to Governors
Hello, my name is Lydia Wood and I am the School Business Manager & Clerk to the Governors. If I’m not looking at spreadsheets or under a mountain of paperwork, I am spending time with my family, browsing antique shops, gardening or walking.
Mrs Potts
School Cook
My name is Mandy Potts, I am the School Cook. I have been lucky enough to work in this lovely school since 2011, so I have been able to watch the children grow up over the years. When I am not cooking their lunches, I like to be out in the fields and woods having fun with my two lurchers, and my husband.
Mrs Nattrass
Kitchen Assisstant
Hello, I’m Lesley and I’m part of the lunch time team. I live on a farm and enjoy spending time with my animals and family.