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Everything that's happening at our school
School Admissions for pre-school and reception
“I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness.”
~ John, Chapter 10 Verse 10
Dear God,
Thank you for making us a friendly and welcoming school,
Help us to respect ourselves, each other and our environment,
Encourage kindness and perseverance as we grow and flourish,
Guide us to trust and be trustworthy, as we live our life in all it's fullness.
Underpinned by our core values of:
Respect - Trust - Friendship - Perseverance
Welcome to Crosby-on-Eden C of E Primary School
Crosby-on-Eden C of E Primary School is a small school with a 3-11 age range. The school converted to Academy Status in November 2012. We are a church school in which ‘all pupils and adults are treated with respect, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and love.’ (SIAMS 2022). The school has excellent links with the church, local community and cluster schools. We are highly committed to working effectively and constructively in partnership with parents. Our Governors are involved in every aspect of school life and work effectively to ensure dynamic leadership, high standards and sound management. We have an exceptional school that values and invests in every member of the school community. Crosby-on-Eden Primary School is vibrant, exciting and led with vision, honesty and purpose. ‘Relationships are a strength of the school. Adults provide excellent role models to the pupils. Pupils’ behaviour is excellent, and they show respect and kindness to one another. This reflects the schools’ vision and core values. The school has prioritised the promotion of positive mental health for all. They make sure no one goes unnoticed and support is given if needed.’ (SIAMS 2022)
In 2013, Crosby-on-Eden School was judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted for the second consecutive inspection. The inspection highlighted: ‘Crosby on Eden provides an outstanding education for all its pupils and prepares them extremely well for the next stage in their education. This includes their personal development as well as their academic achievement’ (Ofsted, June 2013)
We are proud of our school and everyone in it.
Headteacher: Miss Keitch